The papers, which will be presented in the sessions, have to correspond to the topics of the Conference. Only papers, which are submitted by reviewers, correspond to the requirements of the graphical and text instructions and had been presented in the sessions of the Conference will be published.
The papers must be sent in .doc or .docx format until 15.11.2024 by email together with the Application form for participation /Form B/ or online registration can be made. The name of the file of your paper has to include your registration number and your name. Example: “131_Spenser_csw.doc.
If you cannot participate personally in the Conference, you can participate in the poster session and pay only the publication fee. Papers will be accepted only if formed according to the poster graphical and text instructions or exceeding these requirements. The poster papers have to be send by e-mail until 25.11.2024 so the paper can be publically presented at the Conference. The Organizing Committee takes the obligation to print the poster in A1 format.