call for papers
Scientists from all over the world are kindly invited to present results from their researches in the plenary, section and poster sessions.
Papers abstracts should be in English and maximum 350 (form “.doc” or “.docx”, but not less than 200) words. Additional information (authors’ names, occupation, e-mail address and up to 10 key words) shall also be included. The abstract together with the Author’s Response Form A or the online registration has to be sent to the Organizing Committee not later than 15.10.2024.
Your Author’s response Form A will be registered on the Web-site of the Conference in the section “Received Abstracts and Papers” and your paper (abstract) will receive a registration number. The Organizing Committee will appreciate it, if you use in the further correspondence with us this registration number and the files sent by you should also begin with this number. Example: 131_Spenser_csw.doc.
Authors of the approved papers will be informed of the Program Committee’s decision not later than 20.09.2024.