Role of soil in biosphere. Soil ecology. Soil resources. Models of soil formation. Genesis, diagnostics, classification and cartography of soil.
Physical and chemical properties of soils, mineralogical composition of soil. Contents, forms and balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil. Microelements and microfertilization. Environmental regulatory actions. Background concentrations of microelements. Microbiological and enzyme processes in the soil. Absorption capacity and chemical meliorations.
Humus substances. Management of the processes of formation of organic substance. Protection and enhancement of the organic substance in soils. Utilization of organic waste. Composting and application of the compost. Industrial humus agents.
New knowledge about soils. Ecological soil studies. Systematic and methodological aspects of ecological soil studies. Innovation methods for soil research.
Health status of the soil. Densification, erosion susceptibility, stability of the soil systems, water-holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity and nutrient status.
Soil ecological risks in agriculture production. Soil monitoring. Risk assessment. Limiting factors and factors of soil fertility – pedogenetic and degeneration processes, heavy metals, organic pollutants, radionuclides, pesticides, herbicides etc.
Monitoring of water and wind erosion of the soil and risk assessment. Technology for prevention of soil erosion. Re-cultivation of polluted terrains, ameliorations of salt-affected, acid and eroded soils.
Mathematical models. Imitation modelling of agroecosystem productivity.
Significance of water in agriculture production. Retaining and rational use of soil moisture. Significance of soil moisture. Impact of plant remains for retaining the moisture.
Assessment of the soil moisture. Evapotranspiration. Model of water balance.
Agrotechnical activities for enhancement of the soil moisture reserve. Mechanical processing of soil and moisture retention. Regulation of the soil water regime. Means for retention and stabilization of soil moisture. Industrial and natural moisture-accumulation substances.
Irrigation agriculture. Infrastructure of irrigation agriculture. Contemporary problems. Information control systems of water consumption. Innovation technologies, machines, equipment and irrigation systems in the contemporary conditions of use of land. Irrigation regimes.
Automated design of melioration and irrigation systems. Complex use of water resources. Impact of the irrigation and drainage systems and equipment on the environment. Ecological problems. Control and monitoring of the pollution of waters and water bodies.
Contemporary systems, machines and technologies for minimal and zero soil processing. Combined units. Constructive, kinematic and energy indicators. Energy-saving technologies.
Machines for mulch laying of soil and stubble cultivation. Scarifiers for processing in stripes.
Seeders for direct drilling.
Protection of the soil from erosion. Anti-erosion technologies for soil processing and special technical means and equipment.
Autonomous works in agriculture. Prognoses and perspectives in the development of robots for soil processing, sowing, fight against weeds, harvesting the crops. Pilotless flying apparatus and drones. Sensors. Conceptual models. Fundamental, experimental and practical results.
Scientific problems in the control of adaptable intellectual robots and groups of robots. Artificial intellect for processing and recognition of images, automatic planning and decision-making.
Agriculture with controlled schedule for machines. Tractors and tractor-driven wide-base machines. Module synchronization of the tracks of movement. Precise agriculture. Economic performance indicators.
Environmental-friendly storage and utilization of waste in agriculture. Perspective biotechnologies for processing. Technologies and installations for production of heat and biofuels.
Sustainable management of lands and support and development for rural regions. Legal, financial and administrative mechanisms for integrated ecosystem management.
Legislation, policies and strategies for soil and water management. Role, participation and responsibilities of the local self-government, associations and NGOs, owners and users of agricultural lands. Sustainable soil and water management – productivity, security, protection, economic applicability and social acceptability.
Soil and water monitoring. Risks for the agriculture and society. Information systems in agroecology. Training for farmers and specialist in the field of soils studies, agriculture and agroecology. Consultative offices for efficient use of the soil and water resources. Scientific and information services.
The official language of the International Scientific Conference „Conserving Soils and Water” is English.